Statement of Beliefs
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God
We believe in the triune Godhead as eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ of the Bible, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, His attesting miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, in His ascension, and His present priestly ministry.
We believe that that all those desiring peace and relationship with GOD THE FATHER must be Born-Again as Scripture says and that JESUS IS THE WAY OF SALVATION (John 14:6 )
We believe in sanctification and holiness of heart, and the overcoming life as God's design for the Church, which is the bride of Christ.
We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as witnessed on the day of Pentecost and in the continuing ministry of the Holy Spirit as evidenced in the gifts, manifestations, and ministry of the Holy Spirit, and in His fruit in the life of the believer.
We believe in Christ's imminent personal return in power and great glory, and in His present and everlasting dominion.
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection to eternal life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection to eternal punishment.
We believe in specific active serving of individuals in the local fellowship, who are called by God to the offices of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher, as essential to the spiritual life of the fellowship to grow into mature believers.
We believe that all believers, men and women alike, are called and are free to do "the work of the ministry" in the body of Christ, and have the God given right to exercise their respective gifts and callings, under the covering of the local elders, "to the building up of the body of Christ."
We believe that The New Testament Church is more about relationship (with THE LORD and one another ) than it is about religious traditions, formalities and convenient practices ( many of which do not come from THE BIBLE or from what JESUS actually did ).
Mission Statement
We are to be the presence of the Lord in this world, as His holy people. HIS witnesses, both salt and light. According to Acts 1:8.
Ephesians 4:11 states that The Lord Jesus Christ has given some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and (some)teachers...why? For the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of body of Christ. Eph. 4:12
We have come together for these purposes, Where all believers have gifts and ministries. Romans 12.
We, then, look upon our mission in three parts:
1. To spread and promote faith in and worship/praise of JESUS CHRIST as Savior and LORD ( John 3:3,16; 4:23-24 ).
2. To teach about salvation through faith in CHRIST (Eph. 2:8,9 )and the benefits of living a true New Testament Christian life.
3. To help the poor and the needy with all the resources available to us.We trust The LORD to help and to guide us by HIS PRESENCE, HIS SPIRIT and HIS WORD (THE HOLY BIBLE) and the wisdom HE has given to HIS people throughout the ages.
We know that according to Prov.14:34 that righteousness exalts a nation so, we by all honest means,openly promote true CHRISTIAN values in America ( and in all nations where we may be )in CHRIST lovingly without racial prejudice, without fear and without regret.We appreciate equal rights for all with special rights for none with belief in The Constitution Of The United States Of America, The Bill Of Rights and The Declaration Of American Independence as the rule of law ( Romans 13 ). One Nation under GOD!
We welcome your inquiries concerning any and all of our beliefs and/or activities.
What Ministry leaders have said
" I was deeply moved by your address on the black regiment. So well
done. I plan to pass it around too."
"Your labor for the Lord, burden for souls, and earnest desire to see people brought to Christ have spread far beyond your own personal Ministry and have touched the lives of untold thousands."
"... your love for God shown by your love for the brethren (Hebrews 6:10-12) and especially for the lost."
"... my time of greatest moving and breaking during the tent revival came during your song..."
"... a pastor who is called to Christian involvement and activism."
"... you are such a wonderful man of God and I count it our privilege when you agreed to MC for us."
"Your historical recount of Exeter's past added an interesting perspective to your messages."
"Many thanks for being my guest on WKBK... you were articulate and well informed..."
"Thank you for taking the time to speak to our students in chapel..."
"... thanks for sharing with us and helping to make our Mother-Daughter evening a success."
" We as a church are thankful for your ministry of evangelization..."
"We're giving thanks to Garrett and his family, for their presence filled the blanks of our temporary emptiness in our family, surely the Lord shall bless them evermore..."
"... I praise God for the deep love that you have shown and for the insights which you have along with other information is going to be very helpful in his healing process."
"... time spent with you had to be one of my highlight of my visit with my outreach team..."
"... you two are the first two that I've ever heard talk about it and DO something about it."
"... when people come, they leave changed and blessed."
"They will be preaching from the Holy Bible using examples from the rich testimony of their lives the Lord has given them."
"... was a joy to have met both of you. We immensely enjoyed your fellowship..."
"... the Lord has placed a "burning desire" upon my heart to take hold of this opportunity to introduce him to you and that if possible use him to effectively share the love, power and glory ofJesus with you..."
"... Garrett has a good command of the word of God and has preached in many of the churches in the Islands here..."
"... how humbling it must be fore you to be so blessed to serve in such a capacity, knowing that you are such a productive tool in The Lord's hands!" a crisis pregnancy center worker
"... we love you and appreciate your ministry and living in the glorious afterglow of your visit..."
"We praise the Lord with you for the marvelous accomplishments which have already been realized and for assisting others..."
What Government Leaders have said
"... Garrett is definitely a man of God... he is gifted, knows the Word ofGod and has established goals set forth by the Lord. He is loved and respected by many people who know him..."
"... when I need wise counsel, I go to Garrett Lear."
"...committed to the general welfare of the community... served as the head of our emergency volunteers and has spent a great deal of time... an asset to the community."
What Business leaders have said
"Know that we have carried your words of prophecy through the tough years of the of early years of my podiatry practice..."
"... your gentle and compassionate manner was obviously a great support."
"Thank you for remaining so steadfast in the true things of the Lord in the midst of the battle!"
"... since meeting you, I've taken my daughter to church and my life has not been the same..."
"...committed to the general welfare of the community... served as the head of our emergency volunteers and has spent a great deal of time... an asset to the community."
"... you and your family are just amazing, and the world is so much better because of all of you. I know you guys made a difference for me."
"I praise God for Garrett's unashamed, (Rom 1:116) unafraid stand for our Lord Jesus Christ in spite of any adversity the devil besets him..."
"... we love you and appreciate your ministry and living in the glorious afterglow of your visit..."
"We praise the Lord with you for the marvelous accomplishments which have already been realized and for assisting others..."
What individuals have said
"Garrett it was great to meet you at Lexington. Your presentation was
"I was blessed to be associated with you and others on the
sacred soil of Lexington Green. Your sermon was one of the most powerful
I’ve ever heard. God has obviously given you a lofty assignment, because
of your fervor for your country and her citizens." - Dave Freeman
from Las Vegas, NV
I wanted to let you know what an object lesson your personal
ministry has been in my life.
I have often had a difficult time feeling comfortable witnessing
for Christ and the Word of God. As a follower of Jesus Christ I
had the desire to share His teachings, yet "witnessing" often seemed
forced and unnatural for me. Having had a number of opportunities
to hear you speak and to watch how naturally you witness for Christ
in your normal activities and interactions with others has been a
wonderful example for me. As we have increasingly incorporated a
Biblical world-view into our own lives, and have had the opportunity
to observe how naturally you bring God's objective truth to every
aspect of daily life, we now find it almost impossible not to share
God's truth during routine interpersonal interactions. You have been
a tremendous blessing to me and my family. Thank you for all you do
in Christ's name. - Michael Wernette from Bartlett, NH
Regarding the Boston Tea Party Speech - "Thank you pastor for being a bold, unafraid and truthful leader. I watched your video and was moved! Thank You!
Oh that all pastors in our country today would shed their Laodicean and Sleeping Virgin ways at this crucial time in our country. Your ancestors are proud of you for carrying on the truth of God and Liberty."
"'re a skilled miner with a helmet, bearing the light ofJesus to get them out."
"I thank God for putting people like you in my life, I have always looked up to you Pastor Lear."
"... good neighbor award for helping make our neighborhood a nicer place to live."
"Garrett you found the right words for us... you have the gift and have a beautiful spirit."
" I want you to know that I listen to your radio program in the morning when I can. I think you are a true man of GOD and a patriot. It is my opinion that if you had lived at the time of the framing of the Constitution, you would have been there and part of that... I find great comfort in your words... I think you understand what this country was founded on.... Thank you for all the good work you are doing and GOD BLESS you!" (James Kane Portsmouth, NH.)
(names and the full testimony upon request)